Sunday, February 20, 2011

Casino's and Mystery Weekends and Games, Oh My! :D

Wow, it has been a long time since my last post! Time is just zipping by, with new events popping up, a renewed focus on marketing our Improv-Ability Games, Life... So we just finished what has been called one of the best Seward Mystery Weekends we have ever done! Over Valentine's Weekend, we had a mystery at the Seward Military Resort that was set in 1946 Seward, with costumes, story line, slang terms from that time and a wonderful audience who played very well with us. :) We are now under contract for another event, working with the company to get character details and advertising copy completed - the show is at the end of April, so we will be doing auditions soon, the writing of the show and start rehearsal in March or April, depending on actor availability.

In the meantime, we have 3 Casino Events this coming weekend! 1 Friday night and 2 Saturday night, which is quite challenging, but I think we are fully "cast" (or will be). One more evening of training for the new dealers, this week, and we will be ready. Since we began the Casino Events, we have done quite a few; 1 or 2 a month and we are adding dealers to our pool every time. This next one requires 16 Dealers Saturday night, alone.

The Casino Events are not real gambling; I feel like I have to make sure that is clear. In Alaska we have very strict Gambling Laws, and the company that hires OutCast! Productions makes sure that we work fully legally, following all the correct laws of the state. We work as dealers, playing the casino games for the guests, at events where NO money is exchanged, no prizes are given for playing casino, and it is just fun. The chips are not even called money, they are called things like "Clams, moolah, hearts"; to represent the Theme of the event. And the guests have FUN! People love to play games, and when there is no pressure or money involved, they really get to enjoy themselves with Black Jack, Roulette, 3 Card Poker, Texas Hold-em, Craps... we are enjoying being part of these events, and our actors enjoy the process and the people.

Well, this post has been pretty much Casino-driven... it is nice to get on and chat. I will try to be better about this in future.

We are revising our website, we have just made a new OutCast! Productions, LLC Facebook page, and are putting in photos, info and links, so check them both out. We are also working on the Marketing for our Improv-Ability games, so we can get them into the public eye.

Hope you are doing well, and I will talk with you again soon.

All the best, Elias